Saturday, October 9, 2010

Brisbane Markets Discoveries

Today we zoomed off in the rain to St Augustine's Church in Hamilton to check out the BrisStyle Indie Mother and Child Market.  Even though neither Sam or I are either a mother or a child, I wanted to go have a looksie because everything there was handmade by local talent!

I had the best time chatting to the stallholders - it's lovely to meet people who gush over little things like fabric and buttons and vintage story books just like me!  I'm very short on pennies at the moment but I purchased two back issues of Peppermint Magazine (a pretty new on the block eco-fashion magazine based in Brisbane, similar to Frankie but a bit more fair trade and anti-animal testing!) and these lovely earring and card from Pass the Parcel - sorry you can't see the earrings that well, but they've got a very cute floral design (I am currently obsessed with all things floral).  Check out the link for a better look!

I have recently been amazed at all the markets happening around Brisbane!  What is interesting is I only seem to find out about them by being in the exact right place at the right time.  I will list my new sources of information for anyone whose interested - go along and check them out if you have some free time on the weekend, it's a great way to feel like you actually exist and live in a really live community.

Fabulous Markets in Brisbane

BrisStyle hold not only the Mother and Child Market we went to today, but a few different markets around Brisbane.  They have the Indie Eco Market coming up on Saturday, 6 November and the Indie Twilight Market at King George Square on Friday, 19 November from 5PM (this one is supposed to be especially awesome).  Check out their website for more info.

I found out today about the Handmade Expo Market coming up next Saturday.  This one's a bit out of the way (from me anyway) but has over 100 stalls and the previous market looked awesome - have a squizz on their blog.  I can't go next weekend because I will be Opti-MINDSing, but if anyone gets out there to have a look, let me know!  There is another event on 20 November (after exams!!!).

The Little Market holds markets at Avid Read in West End (possibly the best bookshop in the entire world) once a month - the next one is 29 October from 5.30PM. 

This one isn't quite markets but looks amazing just the same - the Brisbane Vintage Fashion and Decor Fair is happening at Eagle Farm Racecourse at Ascot on Friday 29 October (same time as the Little Market - oh no!) and Saturday 30 October (phew).  This one has a $10 admission fee ($8 for students) but looks terribly exciting.

I was very very cranky to miss the Suitcase Rummage at King George Square last weekend and am eagerly awaiting the next one.  The coolest thing about this is that ANYONE can go along and pedal their wares - second hand goodies or handmade stuff or whatever, and it doesn't cost a penny!  If you've ever investigated the costs and insurance and applications involved in getting a stall at the markets you will no doubt be as in love with this idea as I am.

The Valley Laneway Markets started in August and take place around the Valley every Sunday from 10-4.  Strictly handmade goodies.  Wanted to go check them out tomorrow but I am now working, selling factory made products that people don't need instead. :(  Let me know if you get there, they look rather rad!

Phew!  So there you have it - no more whinging that there's nothing to do in this crafty little city.  There are lots of advantages to buying handmade, aside from just the fabulous finds and warm fuzzy feeling.  Excuse me while I rant to you.
  • You are supporting teeny tiny local businesses - the person you're talking to actually made the product you're buying!  I had some much fun today asking everyone questions and people are genuinely excited to hear that you like what they've created or have already seen their work.  I actually met a few people today who were selling things I've got pictures of saved in my 'inspiration' folder.
  • Handmade products make fabulous gifts!  The receipient of a handmade gift is receiving something that is one of a kind and made with love.  Everyone feels good!
  • As I've already said, buying handmade is reengaging with the community, the people around you and the products you are buying.  More importantly, you know that what you are buying was made in a safe, happy environment and not by an abused and underpaid factory worker. 
  • Buying handmade is also better for the environment - the culture of mass production and importing of products is a major cause of pollution and strain on the environment.  Buying locally produced items reduces your carbon footprint by eliminating the pollution created through importing overseas products and sends a small but important message to the forces of mass production (or as you may better recognise them, "The Man")
Please let me know if you know of anymore little underground events like these, or if you get to any of these markets!  I really want to get the word out so everyone can enjoy the magic!


Kate xxx


  1. Hi Kate, I'm wondering if I met you today at the Brisstyle market? I dell the chenille things and my daughters and I run The Handmade Expo market. Thanks for the plug and hope to meet you in November. Follow us on Facebook too if you like, that will also keep you up to date with all things Handmade !

  2. We definitely may have chatted! I had such a lovely time talking to everyone. I must have picked up the brochure for the Handmad Expo from your stall. Happy to promote such lovely events, because I wish I'd known about them sooner! Sorry I can't be there next weekend, but will definitely come have a look in November.

    Just out of curiousity, how did you find my blog? Can you access sites that link to yours? Thanks for saying hi!

  3. THanks heaps for the shout out. Hope you can make our October 16th market...Am now following you and am looking forward to being kept up to date.
