Friday, July 9, 2010

Some of my friends...

So I originally created this blog to show off my little creations.  I though I would introduce you to a few more of them.

This gentleman is George the Elephant King.  I can't take total credit for him, as he was designed by Trish Millener for one of my favourite books, Softies by Therese Laskey.  BUT he was one of the first friends I ever made and he was created entirely by hand as I didn't yet have my wonderful sewing machine.  He turned out just like the picture (but with his own unique style of course) and is the leader of my softie friends, but not in a yelling dictator kind of way, more in like a Dumbledore way.

These are a few little bunny brooches I made around Easter time.  I wear a little pink one still sometimes, she goes perfectly with my grey and purple hearts dress and give me a little confidence boost by whispering in my ear that my hair looks great.  When she's not snoozing that is.

Here's another little brooch I made.  This one now belongs to one Pippa Moore.

Another softie friend of mine is Ignatius the Garden Knome (he was designed by Ellen Box for the book More Softies).  Because we don't have a garden, he likes to sneek around my basil and lurks around the kitchen table whenever Sam buys me flowers.  I think we should take him to the park or something.  He seems pretty happy though.

Finally, this little chap really needs no introduction.  This is the only picture I could get of him that wasn't fuzzy.  He doesn't like having his photo taken, his eyes are too sensative to the flash I think.

So they are my friends.  I hope you enjoyed meeting them.  I have another in the works who will hopefully be a new friend for my spunky little cousin, Miss Ruby Jean. I will introduce you to her ASAP. :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Here are my pictures from the last few days.

Day 12, 29/06/10:  This is an awful photo, but it was late and my camera battery was dying.  Nonetheless, these are without question the best cupcakes I have ever made.

They are Double Chocolate Cupcakes from Donna Hay's chocolate book.  I love this book and I love Donna.  The cupcakes are super chocolatey and the icing is like mousse and its swirly and thick and beautiful and I wouldn't change this recipe at all.  Get this book!

Day 13, 30/06/10: My beautiful little cousin accompanied by a Milky Bar car being driven by a Tiny Teddy.  We made a few of these using icing to stick Smarties to the car as wheels and then half a Smartie for the steering wheel. :)

Day 14, 1/07/10:  My ladybug car after I spent a million years cleaning it.  Bit cranky because I wanted to do a proper inside outside clean but the plug in the garage doesn't work so I lugged the vacuum cleaner all the way down the stairs and I couldn't even use it!

Day 15, 2/07/10: Ben's visit to UQ.  Had a walk around to get him buzzin about moving here next year. :)

Day 16, 3/07/10: My sample plate from Monty's Chocolates in Paddington, my new favourite place in Brisbane.

Day 17, 4/07/10: Sam blissfully watching Dr Who.

Day 18, 5/07/10: Sorry for all the cupcake themed pictures, but I went to pick Sam up from work yesterday and he presented me with this amazing treasure!  I still haven't eaten it yet, I think it's far too pretty!  Almost as pretty as that gentleman in the background. :)