Thursday, June 17, 2010

Project 365 v.2

I've decided to re-attempt Project 365 and try to take one photo a day for a year.  I did a pretty champ job of this for a couple of months last year but it ended up trickling away as I missed one too many days and lost track of my pictures.  Some of the highlights of my first attempt are below.

So today is day one.  This picture is very boring but very necessary.  It is of the ACTUAL time of the exam I showed up for at 8.00AM today.  Yay team.

As you can see, it is not today's date and it is not 8.00AM.

My dear amigo Kaycee Louise does tricky stuff to her pictures and when she teaches me how I will do this also. :)  But until then, please endure these humble ones.


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